Les enfants talibés au marché Castor
“Between images and words, where is my reality?” Or
When the market becomes a source of artistic production … »
Senegalese artist Fally Sene Sow was born in 1989. He lives and works in Dakar.
His source of inspiration is his environment which is the district of Colobane, whose market is one of the oldest and one of the most famous of Dakar.
The particularity of this market is that it sells “Everything” in a very festive atmosphere where merchants and customers meet. Music, motor noises, merchant voices punctuate this informal meeting place in constant evolution.
Colobane is his constant source of inspiration due to the bright colors, the incessant movements, and the order and disorder of everyday life which is its DNA.
As the market has become a source of productivity for him, Fally uses written material such as poems or a pictorial representation which to him seems more eloquent. Hence his artistic questioning: “between images and words, where is my reality? ”
Fally observes, photographs, then cuts, crumples, recomposes all kinds of materials. His works are an aggregation, using collages under glass, portraying all the scattered objects that make the life of Colobane. “Every object which has been collected becomes a pictorial subject worthy of interest and the glass acts as a magnifying mirror that reveals it and gives it a second life. ”
With his collages interwoven with paint, Fally Sene Sow reinvents the sub-glass technique. Ilab-design had a real love at first sight for this visual artist and poet of a kindness that is only equaled by his chatter and his gaiety.”Passionate about drawing and writing from an early age, I live in Colobane in a more or less informal business center, where indescribable scenes take place every day. It is a propitious place for an artist, a place of incessant discovery from its colors, its urban setting, its social climate,and the order and disorder of its daily life. A place where we see many discarded objects, each has its own form and each form can include a teaching, an experience to try. ”
“My work was influenced by a question I often ask myself: why continue to paint these discarded objects…. For me being an artist, any event, object, or action can become worthy of being a pictorial subject. ”
“I then reach a particular moment, which requires listening to my feelings; it is an inspiration that comes to me with force, shakes me by giving me an idea about the transparency of the glass, the idea of picking up objects and making them communicate with each other under the glass. There is a sharpness in this act of true reality that clearly shows under the glass. ”
“This is how I adopted my technique (installation under glass) which I feel is totally innovative, more creative and where I find my best expression.”
Since art evolves, the inspiration evolves with time and current news and art becomes a testament of time. Since there is so much to say about Colobane , I am currently continuing to improve my technique as a mirror of an ancient African art: painting under glass.